Fox River in front of Green Bay skyline (Wikimedia Commons)

The goose, the gander, and Green Bay

Conservatives have suggested that federal-government departments and agencies should be relocated from Washington, D.C, to the heartland—a good idea, for many reasons. For some of the same ones, why not also philanthropically supported, conservative D.C.-based think tanks, other nonprofits, and activist organizations?

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Finding—not creating—the parallel polis

“This will not be the first movement in human history to flourish by incorporating the wisdom of unorthodox groups hitherto exiled to the margins of respectable society. … [I]t’s time for a conservative parallel polis. But the outline of that polis is already there, to be discovered and nurtured, not created. It’s up to us to provide it the attention and resources that it deserves.”

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M.V.P.s of civic renewal

The approaches of some grassroots activists and conservative philanthropies are much closer to each other than those flowing from progressivism—which shift power away from the local grassroots to distant intellectual elites, who consider grassroots efforts mere “Band-Aids.”

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In looking for truth, breezes over bushes

The U.S. Department of Education’s Institute for Education Sciences (IES) released new findings on the District of Columbia school-choice program. The “evaluation showed that students who received a voucher did 7.3 percentage points worse on math than students who didn’t, while reading scores were not significantly different for the two groups,” according to Frederick M.… Continue reading In looking for truth, breezes over bushes

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